The Ghosts of Christmas Past: Personal Reflections on Addiction and Recovery During the Holidays

David R Penny • December 19, 2024
Photo by Josh Boot on  Unsplash

The holidays. A time for family, friends, and festive cheer. But for those of us in recovery, the holidays can also be a time when the ghosts of Christmas past come back to haunt us. Memories of holidays spent in the throes of addiction, of strained relationships, and of missed opportunities can surface, casting a shadow over the present.

Growing up, the holidays were a strange time for me. Most of my childhood was spent away at boarding school, so Christmas was this whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. It meant coming home, being surrounded by family, and experiencing a sense of belonging that often felt elusive during the rest of the year. But looking back, those Christmases were also tinged with a sense of loneliness. The holidays were a stark reminder of the isolation I felt at school, of being different, of not quite fitting in.

And then there was the family dynamic itself. We were a bit dysfunctional, addctive tendancies showing amongst all of us, even then. My mother passed away when I was a young adult, and since very early adulthood, the relationship with my father and brothers has always been strained. In fact, until recently, it had been years since I’ve spoken to any of them. So, while Christmas was a time for family, it also highlighted the disconnection and the unspoken hurts that lingered beneath the surface.

As I got older, those childhood feelings morphed into something else. The holidays became synonymous with drinking and drugging. It was a way to escape the loneliness, the family drama, and the ever-present feeling of not being good enough. Christmas parties, gatherings, even quiet nights at home — they all became an excuse to numb myself and avoid facing the ghosts of Christmas past.

But in sobriety, the holidays have taken on a new meaning. I’m no longer running from the past; I’m learning to embrace the present. This year, I reconnected with one of my brothers, Ramon, who is now walking his own path of recovery. My partner Matt and I put up our Christmas tree in mid-November, and we have plenty of decorations set up. It might seem silly, but it brought me so much joy. Even though we both work a lot, we made time to decorate together, and to simply be present with each other. It was a small act, but it symbolized something much bigger — a conscious choice to create new traditions, to find joy in the simple things, and to build a life that feels authentic and fulfilling.

We’re also fortunate to spend Christmas with my partner’s family. They are warm, welcoming, and genuinely love having us around. Being with them shows me what a connected, loving family looks like. It’s a reminder that even though my own family relationships are strained, I can still experience that sense of belonging and connection that I craved as a child.

The holidays can still be tough. The ghosts of Christmas past still linger. But now, I have the tools to face them. I have the support of my partner, the love of his family, and the strength that comes from sobriety. And most importantly, I have the understanding that I am worthy of love and happiness, regardless of my past mistakes.

If you’re in recovery and struggling this holiday season, please know that you’re not alone. The ghosts of Christmas past may be there, but they don’t have to control you. Hold fast to your sobriety. Find joy in the unexpected places. Celebrate the small wins. And remember that everyone, in recovery or not, is deserving of love and compassion this holiday season.

The Ghosts of Christmas Past: Personal Reflections on Addiction and Recovery During the Holidays was originally published in Together We Can on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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