Together We Can Addiction Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society was founded in October of 1993 as a 6 bed facility.
Since then, we have continually expanded, currently with more than 375 beds, we have become Canada’s leading treatment centre.
TWC’s mission is to educate and support individuals and families who struggle with the challenges of addiction, and desire a new life in recovery.
We offer services to individuals, families, and also provide free community supports.
Our Mission
TWC provides more than 1300 individuals every year with holistic, evidence-based recovery programs and supportive housing opportunities in a therapeutic residential setting.
Our Vision
A caring and compassionate world free of stigma and sufferings of addiction
where recovery is possible for everyone..
Ready to start your journey to a life free from addiction?
Connect with us.
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Primary Care
We offer a variety of Primary Care programs so we can meet the diverse needs of our residents.
Aftercare + Sober Living
Now that you're sober, we offer follow up services and sobriety-focused housing solutions to help you continue your new path.
Community & Family Care
In the wake of every person's addiction is a loved one, family member, or even a community. We offer supports to help YOU heal too.
Why Together We Can?
Real evidence-based solutions
Together We Can has a primary focus to rebuild lives, heal families, and strengthen communities. We do this through our addiction treatment programs, free community education and support programs, and partnerships with community support organizations.
TWC gave us our son back, and although we know every day may be a struggle, we are eternally grateful to you all for making our son see his life is worth living.
Ellie & Pete
I love that after a 90 day stay they have an aftercare plan so that people like myself can ease back into society without jumping back in and getting overwhelmed, increasing my likely hood of a full recovery.
Colton M.
It's great. Nice clean place. Great staff I'd give it 10 stars if I could